Resources for Activism
New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) – Operates a community job center and maintains campaigns to curtail wage theft and reform both employment agencies and immigration law.
New York Communities for Change – A coalition of working families in low and moderate income communities fighting for social and economic across the state.
Worker Justice Center of New York – Pursues justice for those denied human rights through legal representation, community involvement, and advocacy.
Human and Civil Rights Organizations of America – Assists charities working in human rights with fundraising in the workplace.
Interfaith Worker Justice – Mobilizes people of faith in the fight for workers’ rights and against discriminatory practices.
Jobs with Justice – Works in close organization with local community groups, workers centers, think tanks, and unions to win improvements for working families across the country.
National Day Laborer Organizing Network – Fosters safer, more humane environments for day laborers to both earn a living and contribute to society, with a particular focus on the situations of migrant workers.
Union Democracy, Association of – Dedicates itself solely to the advancing the principles of democratic trade unionism in the United States of America.
Workplace Fairness – Working to preserve and promote workers’ rights that offers a comprehensive resources on employment law.
Berkeley Human Rights Center – Investigates war crimes and other serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.
Committee for a Workers’ International – An international association of Trotskyist political parties, with chapters in individual sovereign nations and jurisdictions.
Fair Labor Association – A collaborative effort on the part of companies, colleges and universities, and civil society organizations that offers resources and and tools to companies to promote transparency and accountability across the global supply chain.
International Labor Organization (ILO) – A United Nations agency devoted to labor issues, especially labor standards and protections.
International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) – A nonprofit run out of Washington, D.C. that has spear-headed campaigns for reform in the cut flower industry, child labor practices, and sweatshop working conditions.